American Churches are Waking Up!

Welcome to the Church Awakened podcast where you get Real Talk for Real Church. We are bringing the Great Awakening to the Church and sharing biblical truth to expose false narratives and remove hindrances to effective, biblical discipleship. The next Great Harvest of souls is happening now so get ready to be...
The Church Awakened!

As the Satanic globalist agenda is being pushed on the world, a Great Awakening is happening. People across the globe are no longer believing the mainstream media lies and are rising up to resist COVID passports, lock-downs, government mandates, and deadly vaccination programs. Evil and corruption at the highest levels of government, media, and entertainment are being exposed like never before.  Modern Prophetic voices are declaring a great harvest of souls is upon us. Sadly, much of the American church remains uninformed, doing "church" as usual, and even inadvertently cooperating with the Satanic agenda. But, there is hope! Believers are waking up, pastors are speaking up, and the Body of Christ is rising up.

"So then, let us not be like others, who are asleep, but let us be awake and sober." (1 Thessalonians 5:6)

ITs time to do church differently

Confess Our Faults

Statistics clearly reveal that the American Church is not healthy and is not effectively influencing this generation for Christ. The time of our withdrawal from education and politics, staying silent on moral issues, inviting sinners to our buildings as the primary means of evangelism, and satisfaction with the occasional person who "asks Jesus into their heart" without evident life change...IS ENDING. It is time for the Body of Christ to acknowledge our part in allowing the moral decline of America and the rise of a generation who know nothing of Jesus.

Restore biblical messages and methods

We believe the world is headed into a time of unprecedented activity of the Holy Spirit and we must know how to cooperate with Him in gathering and keeping the harvest of souls. The "how" is in the Bible. It is time to cast off thoughts, methods, strategies, and false ideas about evangelism and discipleship which do not line up with the Word of God. Our message and our discipleship activities need to be evaluated for effectiveness and corrections made where necessary. 


E.M. Bounds said, "God does nothing but in response to believing prayer." The praying believer and the praying church is the MOST POWERFUL force in the Earth. Generations of intercessors have prayed for what we are now seeing God do around the globe and there is more to come but it will come through those who pray...fervently, diligently, and expectantly.

Featured Podcast

American Church Dismal Response to Roe v. Wade Decision

Merrill discusses the what the appropriate response should be from the Church to the Supreme Court decision to overturn Roe v. Wade versus the response he and many other witnessed at believer gatherings around the country. Heartbreaking!

Future episodes

Starting with Pastors

An awakened church begins with an awakened pastor. Pastors must wake up or risk becoming irrelevant in the Great Awakening. People will gravitate to pastors who speak the truth about the spiritual, social, and political conditions of our day and take radically different approaches to evangelism and discipleship.

Let's Build Community
As the Great Harvest picks up we need to be ready to assimilate new believers into strong faith communities. For that to happen, we need to re-learn how to build community and reverse the isolation tendencies of American life. Listen in for simple steps to revive community in your group of believers.
Restoring Power to the Pulpit

Where are the Whitfields, Spurgeons, Finneys, Wigglesworths of our day? We are calling for every pastor and preacher to release their passion and minister in the power of the Holy Spirit. You don't need canned and copied sermons. You just need the anointing to learn to trust the anointing. Get ready to be released into the supernatural!

Revival Series - Episode One
The Great Awakening is happening, evil is being exposed, and masses are moving towards God. Is your church ready for the coming move of the Holy Spirit that will bring millions into the Kingdom? Revival is coming to the American Church...don't miss out! Join us as we discuss how to create the environment for genuine revival.
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awakened churches know the truth 

American Pastors need to know the truth about what is happening in our world and be able to provide a biblical perspective and response to the issues which are having a direct impact on the physical and spiritual well-being of the disciples under their care.

“If you tell a big enough lie and tell it frequently enough, it will be believed.”
- Adolf Hitler
Mass Deception

Our mainstream news sources can not be trusted to truthfully inform the public. They are the propaganda arm of the globalists and deep state used to push false narratives, create chaos, and control the people.

The Great Reset
WEF & The Great Reset

The World Economic Forum is a group of world leaders and wealthy elites who are conspiring to implement a One World Government, depopulate the planet, remove property rights, and create AI-controlled slaves.

COVID-19 Lies & Crimes
COVID-19 CrimEs and LIes

COVID-19 is a real non-lethal, man-made virus used as the impetus to destroy economies, strip national sovereignty, and implement the WEF depopulation agenda thru deadly treatment protocols and vaccines.

Social Justice (Marxism)
SOCIAL justice and marxism

Race conflict, gender fluidity, hate speech, class-warfare, and other social issues are manufactured by communist infiltrators to destroy America's morality and create the chaos that opens the door for proposingsocialist solutions. 

Human Trafficking
human trafficking & pedophilia

Human trafficking and pedophilia is a billion dollar industry and is not just in the realm of the sleezy underground. In fact, it is a past-time of the elite. World leaders, media figures, and entertainers are involved in it and they are slowly being exposed.

Election Fraud
Election fraud

The 2020 election, which Donald Trump won by a landslide, was stolen. COVID was used to justify mail-in ballots which were falsified and trafficked, electronic voting machines were hacked and manipulated by foreign and domestic enemies. 

You Are Not Alone - Watch Other Awakened Pastors
Waking up from Satan's fantasy world created by the mainstream media, politicians, and entertainers is not easy but once you do, it's much easier knowing you are not alone. Check out these pastors who have awakened to the truth of what is actually happening in our world and are not afraid to shine the light of truth for their congregations and communities.
The Cabal is Real
How Does Satan Rule as "god" of This World?
Much of the modern Church is oblivious to just how exactly Satan, the god of this world, operates to influence, control, and destroy humanity. The Bible tells us clearly that there is a "world system" through which Satan influences the natural realm. The world system is comprised of the 7 mountains of culture (Entertainment, Education, Religion, Finance, Government, Medicine, and Law) under the satanic domination of a group of thoroughly corrupt men and women known as the Cabal or the Illuminati. From his throne on these 7 mountains and with the cooperation of the Cabal, Satan deceives the nations, blinds the minds of men, corrupts their ways, and leads them away from the Almighty and Loving Creator and His Son and our Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, to eternal destruction. The Cabal has been hidden behind claims of "conspiracy theory" for centuries but is now being exposed!

The EVANGELISM message every pastor needs to hear

Hells's  Best Kept Secret

Priority #1 for the Awakened Church...learn to share the full biblical Gospel!

The Pastor's Recipe for Revival

Work at living in peace with everyone, and work at living a holy life, for those who are not holy will not see the Lord. (Heb 12:14, NLT)
  • Repent and submit to God's correction for known sin in your own life.
  • Define sin and speak of sins specifically not generally.
  • Expose the sins of the culture and warn your congregation against them.
  • Apply biblical discipline to believers who sin publicly without shame.
  • Teach believers how to get free and stay free from bondage to sin.
Who may worship in your sanctuary, Lord Who may enter your presence on your holy hill? Those who lead blameless lives and do what is right, speaking the truth from sincere hearts. (Psalm 15:1-2)
  • Seek out and correct areas of self-deception in your own life.
  • God, the Word, Jesus is THE truth. There is no your truth, my truth; just THE truth.
  • Never compromise the truth of God's Word.
  • Speak truth boldly yet lovingly to believers AND unbelievers.
Confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The earnest prayer of a righteous person has great power and produces wonderful results. (James 5:16, NLT)
  • Make prayer your top priority. Pray often for extended periods of time.
  • When you pray publicly, talk to God as if you were alone with Him.
  • Teach your congregation the importance of prayer and how to pray effectively.
And it is impossible to please God without faith. (Hebrews 11:6, NLT)
  • Learn how faith works and develop your own faith to expect God's activity. 
  • Teach others how to develop and use faith to receive God's promises.
  • Teach God's faithfulness based on His covenant-keeping nature.
  • Raise the people's level of expectation to experience God when they meet.
Three things will last forever—faith, hope, and love—and the greatest of these is love. (1 Cor 13:13, NLT)
  • REFUSE to violate the command to love with your actions, words, or tone of voice.
  • Treat everyone with gentleness and kindness even when speaking hard truth.
  • Impress these behaviors of love on the believers you lead.
  • Love others by confronting and correcting sinful behavior not by being tolerant of it.
because our gospel came to you not simply with words but also with power, with the Holy Spirit and deep conviction. You know how we lived among you for your sake. (1 Thess 1:5, NIV)
  • Teach the Baptism in the Holy Spirit as an empowering experience for ministry.
  • Regularly pray for believers to receive the Holy Spirit baptism.
  • Learn to yield to the leadership of the Holy Spirit in church gatherings.
  • Expect the Holy Spirit to guide and empower your preaching.
  • Expect and allow the Holy Spirit to manifest through other believers.

Our Podcast Hosts

Russell Brown


Born and raised in Michigan and presently living in Florida. Graduate of Rhema bible Training, International School of Faith, and attended Great Lakes Christian College. My work experience has been wide-ranging from restaurant management, sales, and corrosion specialist for a major auto manufacturer. I played college baseball and basketball then coached women's varsity and college basketball.

Merrill Burrows


Originally from Utah but spent almost 23 years in the U.S. Air Force in Asia-Pacific, the Middle East, and the United States. Experienced Bible teacher and ministry leader. Received a BA in Christian Counseling and an MA in Christian Ministry from Liberty University. Passionate about restoring the Church to an effective force for spiritual and cultural change.

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