Hey Pastor! Let me give you a small dose of reality. Do you realize 80% to 90% of the people in your community don’t even acknowledge your existence and will never come to your church building? There is no magic combination of lights, music, food, fun, marketing, and fluffy self-help messages that will attract sinful, God-hating, rebels into your church. To believe there might be shows that you have lost your understanding of 1) the world system we live in that is under Satanic dominance and, 2) what it actually takes to reach lost and rebellious people who live in the kingdom of darkness and enjoy the pleasures of sin.
My first recommendation is that you toss out all of our books that promote a "seeker-friendly" approach to church gatherings. The message of the seeker-friendly church has done nothing but water down our methods and messages making the Church less respected by the world and less influential at calling people to repentance and faith.
Secondly, stop encouraging church invitations as the means by which you try to get lost people to come to you so they can hear you preach. Spiritually dead people can't worship and it's awkward for them to sit through your worship time. Also, inviting sinful and rebellious people to church is like inviting criminals to come hang out with the police. Although you may occasionally reach a few lost people, in general, it doesn't work.
Lastly, focus on creating a Sunday worship experience that builds up, matures, and equips believers to go out and reach the lost people they know. Using the power of multiplication like Jesus did is how you bring the Body of believers into the mission of reaching the lost. Your sermons should focus on the needs of believers and include just enough of a solid gospel presentation for the occasional unbeliever who may stumble in and the false converts who attend weekly. Your church will be more ready to work and watch while they wait for Jesus return if you realize that Church is for believers.